Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Oh Mack...

So remember a post or two ago when I was like "I really think we did a good job with him, he is a really good boy..." I still totally believe this....and completely look forward to working on our appropriate language skills in the very near future :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Photography ♥

I ♥ ♥ ♥ taking pictures
Mostly of the littles that live in the backyard
Matea has been surprisingly cooperative the last few weeks, it's been delightful!

I call this one...
"hello 14 year old smirky Matea"

Shenanigans....I really love this post

The baby who never sleeps....
he is sweet and adorable, smiley, and wonderful
but when he wants to "start his day" at 4:30
this makes for a tired Mama & Daddy
Of course I am being a wee bit dramatic
he sleeps :)
 and he sure is cute, cute, cute when he does.
Look at those chubby cheeks!
And of course no post would be complete without a little Mackenzie James :)
Even with the code 42 (severe behavior for those non-education people out there) label he received this year in Kindergarten - I really think we actually did something right with our favorite six year old.  He is kind, and funny (hilarious really), and he doesn't know how to be mean yet (which I LOVE) he shares with his sister, and desperately wants the most unpleasant boy in his class to be his friend.  I am not saying he is perfect, I know there are blog readers out there who think that is what I am saying, he's not....but I really like him just the way he is.
He is the best big brother to his sister.  He is so patient with her.  One morning last week, Matea was digging in her heels with EVERYTHING.  She was quite scream-y, and by 8:00 am (we have to leave for school by 8:15) I was losing my patience.  Holding three different shirts, a skirt, and two pairs of pants her and I could not even find a common ground on what she was going to wear to school that day....and we hadn't even tackled her hair (that is a post all on it's own).
So out of sheer frustration (after asking her the same thing a bazillion times) I yelled (not my proudest Mama moment feel free to judge me)....
"I don't know what you want!!!  What do you want!!!  Just tell me what you need!!!"
And what did my little code 42 pipe up and say....
"Uh mommy....she needs love, she needs a hug"
*that's what we say when someone is sad or upset, "Do you need love?"  I guess it's like asking if someone wants hugs or cuddles*
Yeah I feel okay about saying we did a good job.
And Matea and I were late for school that day, Mack was right, she needed some love.

Friday Phone Dump

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Matea ♥

What can you say about Matea?
She gives the best hugs, if she loves you, she will love you with every ounce of her being, if she is not so fond of you?  You will not get hugs, and probably a little wag of a finger, and a resounding "No" if you come within five feet of her -- bad news for her speech pathologist :)
She is working super hard at school and yesterday informed one of the EA's in her classroom "No!  I want THAT pig!" and "I LOVE the beach!"
Big steps for our baby girl....big steps.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Four months ago.....

We welcomed sweet Baby A....
pretty brand new!
 Four months old, probably gonna get a job and his own apartment any day now :)

The Gang....

Three little Schurman's