A few weeks ago Bob and I took the M &M's to Drumheller for our 8th "love-a-versary"
Surprisingly...it feels like yesterday - and nothing says love like your new husband wiping something off your face in front of all your closest friends and family :) Too funny!
Okay back to our Drumheller trip....
Everyone super pumped to get in the van, and on the way! (or excited to watch Finding Nemo for the 10 billionth time)
First stop: Tyrell Museum
Yikes! These dino's are loud!
(Oh and FYI -I had to use my flash on the camera...yuck)
Trying so hard to "pose nice".....
But we were RIGHT beside the coolest room in the whole museum!
Checking out some "fossil cleaning"
He was intrigued.....by the sleeping baby off to the right :)
Fave part of the museum, the bubbly wall thingy
They went through the museum in record time....like seriously record time
We climbed the little path thingy outside
We played outside at the park for a little bit
My girl....
Both my M & M's at the super fun park before we got rained out
BUT the rain gave us a chance to go to the super cool Reptile Museum!
Mack said the snake was "soft and smooth"
A giant Alligator or crocodile I don't know the difference
The best snake
Whenever Matea would walk by this guys window....he would track her and open his mouth super wide - it was crazy :)
On the way home...this was a scary shark part (that they have already seen!) of Finding Nemo