Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Phone Dump


Today was the last day of school for this Mama...yay!  Back to the world of photography, playdates, picnics, & parks - pretty exciting :)
I know that is ALOT of "P" words - now would be a good time to mention we have been listening to our "Get eady for Kindergarten phonics CD" that we got at school orientation.

Finally...after 5 years...he wants to have his picture taken
cue the "hallelujah" music :)
 For the love of God will someone please cut my hair already!?!
 M & M's

 Caught trying to pick apples from the apple tree - they aren't ready yet
 Not impressed about being told "no" usual :)
 The saddest boy there EVER was...all over these darn apples!
 Crazy hair!
 Loving the trampoline, she was on that thing until 9:20 tonight!
Welcome to summer :)
Cutest part of summer?
Cute little rompers for little Miss. M
A little black & white action...just for a change :)