Halloween is always CrAzY at our house (just as I am sure it is at yours) and this year was even better! With the addition of "the school schedule", which to be completely honest I never really understood because "The Nana" has always made her way (rain, sleet, snow, or wind) over to Chez Schurman in the early morning hours to look after the M & M's, we didn't have to wake up, and make sure breakfast was eaten, and clothes were on.....the M & M's routinely slept in past 8am, and on occasion requested a "PJ Day!"and I only had to worry about getting myself ready.....and this year we joined reality. So....with the introduction of the school schedule and Halloween we still had to get ready for the day, but we also had to make sure costumes met certain "code" (I personally think that teachers make up rues just for the sake of having rules--I am a teacher so I can totally say that) make sure an adult could be on hand to volunteer (but it is more like if you DON'T volunteer you are a horrible person-oh and PS it's ALSO your son's birthday so it's practically mandatory that you be there) and bring a snack (already pre-determined because we were, of course, the last parents to sign up for the snack list). It was a little more hectic than last year...Mack went to pre-school, he didn't want to wear a costume, end of story.
2012...not so much
We started out wanting to be a ghost, then a zombie, then captain caveman (he just wanted to wear a hat, and carry a bat-definitely NOT an option in his Kinder class) then finally a skeleton.
Now because we have lots of costumes kicking around the house, the skeleton quickly morphed into a sheriff, and because Bob was dressed as a cowboy, he also had to be a cowboy too.
Skeleton Sheriff
Captain Skeleton?
Matea Bunny....the only picture I got
I am confident they were the "preferred party guests" at the Kinder class party
Skeleton-Sheriff-Cowboy (that is a horse he is riding)
My oldest babe and I getting ready to go out trick or treating :)
Uncle Jer taking Mack to one of the houses on our street
The whole gang (I think we were the only 4 adult:1 Kid ratio family)
Uncle Jer, Bob, Auntie Kyla
I have no idea how he walked the whole block with that horse sticking out of his jacket - too funny
Matea enjoyed Halloween inside....there was no way she was going outside in the cold, especially when she knew there was candy IN the HOUSE!
She stayed home and played on the ipad with Bampi and handed out candy, I'm sure she was a REAL help to Nana in that department...smart girl.
Happy Halloween!