Saturday, November 19, 2011

A little tear....

I have been in the process of creating our annual Christmas Calendar (in my mind I pretend that it is everyone's favourite gift) and of course that means an M & M page (duh), this was a little bit harder in previous years because they really did almost REFUSE to have their picture taken together!  The nerve, I know! creating this page I get the opportunity to go through ALL our pictures for the year...and I came across THIS ONE!
Miss. Matea looks messy (shocking) and I think they were just "hanging out" watching a show on a Saturday while I made lunch. 
But the way he is looking at her in this picture, I know he ♥'s her.
Right picture I have ever taken.
I got a little chocked up writing that.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

We went to the zoo....

We have been trying to get to the Calgary zoo ALL summer, but it just didn't ever jive with our schedules.  Last weekend was THE weekend!  Bob and I decided that it might be fun to do a quick little trip to the zoo to help celebrate Big Mack's big b-day.....we did however make the mistake of "asking" him where he wanted to go...I just assumed he would say the zoo, because we had been hyping it up all weekend....nope he wanted to go to.....the museum?!?  So from now until the end of time, the Calgary zoo will forever be called "The Zoo-zeum"
Crisis averted....and Auntie Kyla & Uncle Jer came too!  This was especially fun for me because with that many adults, I could pretend that I was by myself (only once or twice) on a beautiful fall was heaven :)
Enjoy all the pictures...feel free to COMMENT, we ♥ them :)

 Trying to "break in" to the lion cage!  She is crazy :)

Watching the hippo's (they are so awesome!) -- we all sat down to be polite so others could see....apparently others thought this was an invitation to stand in front of us :)
Uncle Jer & Auntie Kyla are silly
and cute :)
I have come to the conclusion that Matea is just comes on these excursions for the "healthy snacks"

 We ♥ Uncle Jer

Now i know some of you will not believe me BUT sometimes I don't think you understand what we go through her at Schurman Shenanigans to get really cute pictures of the M & M's....let me tell you, it definitely doesn't "just happen"
But every once in a while....we capture some amazing memories :)