Sunday, January 30, 2011

Miss. M - Our tiny tornado

A sneek peek into a fraction of our day with Miss. Matea...

I know she's "really busy" and a little bit crazy, right?
And then, she (somehow) managed to sit in the dogs water dish - hence - no pants videos :)
and for your viewing pleasure...the START of a Miss. M temper tantrum

Bust seriously - how cute is she?
Pretty cute....

Thursday, January 20, 2011 more thing!

I think he might be nocturnal....'s 9:30 pm, he hasn't napped since we brought Matea home....FROM THE HOSPITAL...and he is still awake, currently jumping on the bed beside me...
When I suggest sleep?  "Mommy I'm too busy for sleep, how about we all play together?"
Nocturnal, right?  UGH.

Snow Fun!

The M & M's have had a pretty fun time these last couple of weeks while I have been at work.  They have had their DADDY home EVERYDAY since I went back to work!  He is basically like a really big kid, that has some rules and LOTS of games!  Waaaaay more fun than Mommy.
This week Big Mack has spent ALOT of time outside with Bob...they built their own little sledding hill in the backyard!  Miss. Matea?  Not so much time spent outside, she is a little more like her Momma, she likes to stay warm :)
The tunnel Daddy & Mack built....I think this is the beginning of "Snowy Mountain" all over again!!
 How excited is he?
 It looks like they were pretty busy....
Making it to the top!
A little video

Backyard sledding.... it's fun!
 ...Jade steaks your sled :(
And, even though she didn't go outside....some Matea cuteness for you :)
Hello Crazy Hair!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Life, lack of blogging, and a cute little batgirl :)

Nine days between blogging....too many days, right?  I know.
My gift to you:
The cutest little "Batgirl" ever :)
This picture was taken after an evening of swimming and a delicious McDonald's supper - I think she was pretty happy, relaxed, ready for bed.
The best news ever is that the job-itty-job that I have been doing since October will be O-V-E-R in the next few weeks.  I like working, but I also like not working some days...I just found working full time, sometimes I missed out on ALOT.
 Fun Times with friends
Aidan & Mack
 He is adorable
 Barb - the Momma & her baby boy Aidan
Family Fun Times
 Bampi and Mack
Digital Scrapbooking
Miss. Fenna ~ sister to Aidan, and her Momma is Barb
Kitchen Table Fun!
Look at all those want to know what the cutest part was?
"Mommy look!  All the dino's are sharing the tree!"
 Shirtless Saturday...
I know I say this EVERY TIME but....I promise I will do better with the blogging...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A few from "The Vault" - this is a long one....

Today was the best day E-V-E-R!  Not only did we get to have a super fun playdate with The Sijbrandi family out in Ponoka - I forgot my camera, so no cute pictures of little Aidan and Fenna, BUT - the darling husband, Bob-a-licious did something great today...I think I should start from the beginning - don't worry this won't take THAT long.  When we got out new computer I transferred EVERYTHING to an external hard drive, this was right after Matea was born, so basically ALL Big Mack's 1st year stuff (which if you are a parent is pretty much EVERYTHING!) - the external hard drive crashed, and everything was lost.  I could have paid the kids at Future Shop like $600.00 to "rebuild and recover everything Ma'am", but I didn't like that idea, so today Bob hooked up our old computer and voila...all our memories (tear).  Hopefully you won't get tired of these types of posts because I have been looking at old videos and pictures of my baby boy for the last few hours (I should be marking Language Arts unit exams-this is important too)...he was sooo little....I hope you enjoy
Brand fave picture of us!
January 2007 - two and a half months old

February 2007 ~ 3.5 months old
That's Uncle Jer in the background...he lived with us, and we loved having him be such a big part of Mack's life

June 2007 ~ 7 months old (I think)
Getting spoiled by Nana & Bampi in the eating department....I'm not going to lie, nothing has changed  - they still spoil him like CRAZY! ☺

Summer 2007 ~ 8 months old (I think)
Playing with his cousin Corbyn - I think Corbyn would have been like two and a half (Jen correct me)

More Mack & Corbyn...Adorable.

Best post ever...for me anyway :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Picture board & eggs and ham :)

Strangest title for a blog post ever, right?  Let's try this: Part 1 ~ Picture board.  Okay now where do I start?  I love pictures, I have loved pictures for like f-o-r-e-v-e-r, well maybe a little longer than that, just kidding.  I like taking them, I like getting them in the mail, I like looking at them on facebook, and I really like sending them to friends and family. For as long as I have lived on my own I have always had pictures of friends and family plastered on my fridge or in frames all over my house, you get the picture.  Then I read somewhere that it makes you kitchen look HUGE if you don't have anything on your fridge so "the picture board" was created...and I love it (my fridge still has stuff all over it).  I love the picture board all year long, but I love it THE MOST right after Christmas, because I get to put up all the Christmas pictures people send with/as their Christmas cards.
Part 2: Eggs and Ham  ~ Big Mack has a new found love - Dr. Suess books, specifically "Green Eggs and Ham", but he calls it...."Eggs and Ham".
Looking thoughtful trying to figure out all the "Sam I am" stuff
We love our TAG stuff
  Quick SIDE STORY - check out the super HUGE stain on Big Mack's brand new white shirt (I don't know why I even buy white ANYTHING anymore) - it's chocolate, from when he tried to pick up half a chocolate cake at Nana & Bampi's tonight (I think he thought it was his piece) and then put it down, and promptly wiped his hands down the front of his brand new white shirt!  Sigh.
And here are some Matea pictures (just because this post has been ALL over the place!)
She really likes popcorn...
Check out how cute her little outfit is...thank you Schurman cousins :)