Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hello Snow?!? ~ October 25

Sigh..I knew it was coming, I should have been more prepared, and yet  - I wasn't.
And of course Big Mack wanted to go and frolick in the freezing cold white stuff as soon as he saw it this morning (October 25), be prepared, these pictures will definitly win me the guessed it....
"Mother Of The Year" Award. 
Didn't even have a hate that fit him, had to wear Daddy's :)
 Snow flying EVERYWHERE on the trampoline
 Totally unprepared
 Yep, those are shoes...
 But at least we have super cool Halloween drawings on the window
 Big Mack
 Matea stayed inside to watch Dora-suprise, suprise!  Olus I don't think I have any winter clothing for her!

 Throwing snow at the camera - he now knows this is "a BIG no-no"

I know this post is super late, and I have been a terrible blogger lately, BUT there are so many posts to come...Big Mack turned 4, Daddy made cupcakes for playschool, and of course Halloween - stay tuned :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Monday....

So Bob-a-licious and I had a little chat the other day while we were driving somewhere for something, and the little people were entertaining themselves in the backseat (okay that was a lie, reading this entire blog you will know which well known NIKELODEON character entertains my children) and we decided that we need to start taking more videos of the kids...for memories...and because they are HILARIOUS! 

and gift to you...Happy Monday :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Poor Miss. Matea

Today I had the oppurtunity to document Miss.Matea's post temper tantrum time out....very interesting :)
"Ahhh I'm so sad because I am a DIVA and I never get to do what I want..."
 "Hmmm what's, dee, da, dee..."
 "Ooops Mommy is looking and I forgot I'm sad/mad" 
 And one of Miss. Matea rocking the BATMAN shirt that Uncle Jer go ther....very cool

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Then and Now....

Oh how I love these "let's look back" posts.....
Mack was ALMOST 3 in this was October 9, 2009.  If you would have asked me that day, I would have sworn to you that my oldest child would be wearing a pull up to grade 2 because he was still not potty trained, not even close - in fact I am pretty sure that we were still at the "if you want me to put on those undies, then you are going to have to wrestle me into them..." stage.  Now I can look back fondly, and say to myself "when they are ready, when they are ready they will just do it..." - but I remember my sister telling me that schools can no longer stipulate that children MUST be potty trained to enter Kindergarten,'s something that can be put in an IPP or something like that - I think?- (I don't really remember that was pretty much where I stopped listening because in my head I was thinking "Whoooooooo Hoooooo!!!!!")
What I love about this picture...both his chins + the fact that he is wearing a Valentine's shirt in October!
 and now he is all grown up....being cute, and peeing in the potty, and kicking the occasional playschool teacher (sigh)
Matea was ALMOST 1 (10 months) in this picture.  She was so adorable at this age, just starting to chat a little bit, super pumped about eating, and loving going on adventures with her big brother...and she was not too mobile (no walking) - in case you can't tell Matea pretty much rules the roost around here so my theroy is that she knew of her "power" at a young age, and manipulated all of us into doing everything for her, all the while laughing at us!  I also remember Matea had just mastered crawling around this time...she was a "butt scooter" for the majority of her younger years :)
What I love about this picture....both her chins + he two little teeth + I used to wonder if her hair would "really" start to grow (see next picture for why this is ridiculous)
and now she has like a full "Mane" of hair, and she HATES all the stuff she used to love - hates going out, hates eating, she is definitly mobile, but she only has two speeds - fast, and CRASH!  One thing is the same though, she still rules EVERYTHING, and she still knows it.  Lately she has been waking up in the middle of the night, but she isn't upset, she just lays there and counts and laughs - just counting a laughing.  You know what she is doing, right?  She is counting all the time throughout the day that she fooled us with he cute-ness, and she is laughing at's true.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Fun Fall Times :)

The Call...

Today was a first for this Mommy...not a good first, but a first.
I was in the middle of teaching a grade 7 class when I got a voicemail message from Big Mack's school....
"Hi...this is Darlene from Mackenzie's school.  Mack has had a little bit of trouble settling down this afternoon, he actually kicked his teacher, and is quite upset..... we would like you to come down to the school and pick him up please...."
I know...I can read you mind...
"What?!?  Not this cute little guy!"

Monday, October 4, 2010

Miss. Matea starts "school"

So...our little Matea has started her "Busy Buddies" class!  It is crazy....well let's be more specific, she is crazy!  I love her, but she is CrAzY!  Monday night we eat supper at like 4:45 so that Matea can be finished, and CLEAN for like 5:30 when we need to drive to the Collicutt Centre to hang out with our other "Busy Buddies".  Do you want to know how crazy she is?  Bob and I trade weeks (he goes one week I go the other because she is so high energy - I just didn't want to call her crazy again) and then whoever isn't taking Matea gets to go swimming with Big Mack (which is actually fun, Busy Buddies - sorta fun but not THAT much)
Yes...this little cutie is actually MORE of a "handful" than her brother was....I never thought I would say it :)
Getting ready to go to school!
 She was pretty fascinated with the newspaper - I just thought it was cute
All loaded up ready to go....
The whole class playing in the soccer pitch
The Tunnel
 Playing in the cars - most fun EVER!
 More car pictures
 Ahhh...the quad...very fun

So in addition to eating play-doh, ramming the shopping cart into the wall at FULL SPEED, and of course SCREAMING at the top of her lungs - she also gave herself a new hairdo today...streaks....involving the class paint...she can be so gross sometimes
And of course my fave picture of the day :)
Straight out of the camera...she is cute...worth all the craziness that is Busy Buddies...always worth it

Friday, October 1, 2010

Big Mack in September

Some snaps of Mackenzie James that never made the blog last month...

 How cute is he...posing like a pro...complete with left over ketchup stains on his face from lunch, where do i pick up this Mother of the Year award that everyone is raving about?!? 

Mack's many faces....not always perfect posing, let me tell you!
And my two absolute for sure faves from this you have see, one you haven't....
I love this picture of Bob-a-licious and Big Mack, love it....
reminds me of....March 2009 (was she ever THAT little?!?)
And this is just Mackenzie...happy and loud :)
For some reason i took like NO pictures of Miss. Matea this month, crazy. 
Like I said...where do I pick up my award?!?