Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Truths - Week 2

A few Momma Confessions from this week ;)
Seriously...does this picture even need an explanation?

  • We went to the pool tonight, and two of the four pools, and the two water slides were closed because there was some "poo" in the pool - at first I was thinking "ew, double ew" and then I thought "who let's their kid poo in the pool and doesn't tell the lifeguards before it gets sucked into all the other pools!" and when I said this exact statement to Bob-a-licious, he just looked at me like, "really Jess"--and then it clicked, 2 and a half years ago I was that Mom.  I can remember "the incident" like it was yesterday...Big Mack and I were hanging out in the little kiddie pool when I noticed a little brown cloud in the pool - I thought to myself  "wow, someone came to the pool with dirty feet..." and then literally a split second later I realise that "the brown cloud" is following my little Baby Mack around the pool, and then I ran to the changeroom and didn't tell anyone (basically in the hopes that no one would know it was us).  So I guess I need to remember that I have probably "been there" before I start throwing around "ew...double ew's"...right?

  • I was outside playing with the M & M's today, and a little friend of Mack's.  I was chatting with the little three year olds at the trampoline, and I turned around (because it was too quiet) and where was Miss. Matea...crawling across the the patio table!?!  What?!?  Crazy baby.
  • I had to get Bob-a-licious to teach me how to make a fort for the M & M's - it just isn't my thing, I guess.  Big Mack had been asking me ALL day to go downstairs and make a pirate ship.  In my head I was thinking "how the heck to I make a pirate ship?!?"--I was scared.  Bob to the rescue...and now I know how to make my kids a super cool pirate ship fort (lots of sheets and blankets, and various size mattresses.)
No cool fort pictures (I know you were hoping) but here is one of Miss. Matea reading her books. 
And Big Mack attempting to drink out of Daddy's water bottle - cute

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How cute are they?

Super awesome weekend this weekend...trip to Calgary, 1st birthday party, good friends, Sunday swimming party (it was just the 4 of us, but still always a party), and a delicious supper with Nana, Bampi, and Uncle Jer - good times :)...ooops, and I got to do a little photo shoot with another family, and the pictures turned out pretty okay :)

Some pictures of the M & M's from this past week, I think they are C-U-T-E and sometimes CrAzY! 

If you have a rambunctious 3 year old (like me) this is the best game EVER, especially when said 3 year old always wants to "help"...here is an example of our conversations lately...
Mom: Mack can you please sit down, Mommy needs to finish putting away the dishes.
Big Mack:  But Mommy I want to help...please?
ANYWAY...Big Mack playing with the hose, washing everything in the backyard
This is totally a little rascal face, right?
Laughing at something...probably a Big mack "knock, knock" joke - they are not your typical knock, knock jokes
I have no idea WHAT is going on in this one - Crazy.
At the park
Pretending to be scared...
Matea at the park...
CLOSE - UP!!!  They are my fave :)
Miss. Matea taking a break to have a snack..
My fave pictures from this week....cute.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Truths - Mommy Confessions Week 1

Ok, so we all have them. I have decided its time to stop keeping them to myself in hopes that other mommies will realize that none of us are perfect. Here are my little secrets for the week in hopes it will encourage me to be better. What are yours?

  • My kids stayed in their "jammies" all day today, the only reason they changed into real clothes is because their Dad was coming home, it was literally 4 minutes before he got home that they got changed.
  • I watched while Big Mack "helped" me clean up this afternoon.  This entailed "accidentally" spilling a giant bowl of cereal all over the floor so he could vacuum it up - cute.
  • I actually lost my mind the other day when a woman in the grocery store said to my son and I "Wow, he sure doesn't talk much does he, are you worried?" - I know, ridiculous, right?  Who says that?  and hello perfect stranger, why would I want him to answer you anyway?!? - at the time I just politely walked away and went and stood in another line.  After...first I gave Big Mack a big hug, and told him he was perfect (he understands, even when they are little they understand) and then I called my sister, and Bob, and my brother...and they all assured me he was what I thought - perfect.


Grow The Tree You've Got...

So...I bought this parenting book from Chapter's when Mack was like 3 - I'll be honest-I was trying to convince myself that a BOOK would be able to teach me how to get Big Mack to NOT throw himself on the floor of the grocery store and kick and scream - so I bought this one, not because it got rave reviews, or because a friend had read it, I basically read the back and thought "This is the book for me!"...and so began my journey with:

I know you might be thinking - "she is lame" - but really I'm not.
There are lots of really cool ideas in this book that I have never even thought of, and we all know that I am the current holder of the "Mother of The Year Award"...(once again please ensure that you read above paragraph with a voice that is DRIPPING with sarcasm)

One of the "ideas" that the author suggests really hit home with me this summer, "Grow the Tree You've Got"...basically the 4 page chapter is about how sometimes parents try so hard to encourage their children to be something (scholar, artist, star athlete) that they really are not, and miss out on their true gifts.  Basically you really want an oak tree, but you might have a redwood - both are VERY beautiful trees, but VERY different from each other
We spent some time this summer going on different day trips with the M & M's (if you actually follow this blog or are my friend on Facebook, you know what I'm talking about) 

  • You know the kids at outdoor events (like the Doodlebops concert) that sit on their blanket, for like a whole hour, and clap along to the songs?  Yea, my kids are the opposite of that.
  • You know the kids you see at the swimming pool that are afraid of everything?  Yep, not my kids.
  • You know the three year old that you might see getting all "geared up" to go rock climbing at your local rec center?  No?  Well if you come to our Recreation Center you would see my son, happily climbing to the top and back down with a huge smile on his face.
  • Clean shirts...nope.
  • Eating dirt and sand...yep.
  • Constantly running and wanting keep going, even after Mommy and Daddy are down for the count  - that would be my M &M's.
  • Soooo many hugs that I lose count by 9am - that would be Mack and Matea...everyday.
Hmmmm...grow the tree you got :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

How did THIS happen?!?

I am not going to lie, I had to promise french fries, and chocolate chip cookies......
I think it was worth it, I might just hang this one on the wall :)

Epic August Adventure

The cousins came for a visit this week, and we had soooooo much fun!  First stop.....Callaway Park!
Here are all 4 of the little people ready to have some fun!
On top of the castle, checking things out
on the way down, some very excited little people!
Miss. Matea waiting for us at the bottom
The Airplanes!
Big Mack, Bob-a-licious, and some kid who's parents obviously don't love him enough to fold themselves into the airplane....just my opinion :)
Aunt Jen taking the 3 year-old, the 4 year-old, and the 5 year-old on a ride, while Bob and I wrestle Miss. Matea, who was officially missing her nap at that moment - thank goodness for Aunt Jen :)
On the mini train...
Best picture of the day - almost 100 pounds in a double stroller - we brought it so we would have lots of room to carry "stuff" - and we ended up with the 3 year-old and the 4 year-old going for a short ride :)
All four cousins going for a ride in the truck, this was a popular ride for Matea
On the bouncy cars, Bob was very brave and went on so that Matea wouldn't fall out - she loved it :)
Getting ready for a roller coaster ride!
Look at Mack's face...I think he LOVES it :)
Hi Guys!
Thumbs up for the airplane ride!
Big Mack rocking the airplane
I think the one in the middle is getting a little tired of getting his picture taken :)
On the egg ride with Daddy

Super fun day :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy "LOVE-aversary"

So....six years ago today Bob-a-licious and I were getting ready to get married!

Top 3 reasons I loved our wedding

  1. We got married at 5 pm so that we could just do the ceremony and then go straight to supper.

  2. We feasted on the most delicious meal of BBQ steak (an idea stolen from my sister) - 6 years after the fact we still have people telling us how much they enjoyed the meal.

  3. We got married outside, and I thought it was pretty....I of course was standing under the tent with the minister and Bob, everyone else was BAKING outside in the blistering sun - sorry guys.
Here is my favorite picture from that day

and here is a picture of me bawling like a baby...

2 years, 2 months, and 2 weeks and 3 days later
Big Mack's Big Arrival
(October 31, 2006)
4 years, 4 months, and 4 days after we tied the knot...
Miss. Matea's arrival

All of it seriously feels like yesterday.....Craziness.
And tonight we are eating take-out and watching a movie to celebrate :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another fave picture of Miss. Matea :)

I have been trying to improve my photoshop skills....which...to be honest is QUITE difficult with a 1 year old and a 3 year old trying to climb you while you work at a computer :)  Anyway this is my 1st attempt at something that I think looks cool and hopefully I will get better at with time.
this past Sunday we went to Calgary to visit my sister in law and the cousins from Atlanta.  Dawn's brother was kind enough to have us ALL over for supper at his beautiful home, that was (to be honest) tailor made for my little people - lots of room to run, things to climb, swing sets, and slides.  The M & M's had a pretty good time playing there.
Anyway here is one of my favorite pictures from the day....

The Doodlebops

So...we got tickets to "The Doodlebops" - it is totally okay if you have no idea what I am talking about.  Anyway the Doodlebops came to the zoo last weekend, and we thought, what a great afternoon that would be, right?  Aunt Joyce even volunteered to come with us (brave lady), and invited us over to her house before the show so the little people could stretch their legs after the drive....fun, fun, fun!

The venue for the concert was very cool, a big wide open space (with a fence around it), petting zoo, concession, bubble station and sprinklers!

We really liked the bubble station...alot.
Aunt Joyce and Miss. Matea
An expert "bubble-maker"
Daddy guarding all the bubble making tools because Matea likes to put them in her mouth - gross
Fred Penner was there!
Joyce and Matea waiting for the Doodlebops
A little siesta before the Doodlebops come out
Making a break for it.....
guess where she was going....the port-a-potties
Daddy was in hot pursuit
She is gross.
Matea liked the Doodlebops...for like 7 seconds :)

So the M & M's enjoyed the concert (i think) but I learned that they also are not "sit still" and sing along kind of kids - we all learn something new everyday, right?

Best picture of the day.....

"Hmmmm what am I forgetting?"
Gold chains...check...tattoo's....check...my kid....check"