So....I have been working ALL week - this is a stretch for the M&M's and I (once again...thank goodness for "The Nana") PLUS, I was subbing in grade 2! Yikes! Grade 2 is fun, fun, fun - don't get me wrong, and the school I was at was awesome - but I swear I have never said the phrases "Boys and Girls" and "sit in your desk please" so many times!!!! Still adorable though, they say "thank you for teaching us" after every new lesson :) Cute.
ANYWAY....everyone was "missing" each other a little bit this week. The M&M's were VERY excited to see me whan I got home, and I was VERY excited to see them too. I only had one morning where I cried a little one the way to work. Big Mack got up before i left the house, and he was very determined to have me stay home "You take that off, take that jacket off! You stay with me Mommy!" - I cried. And you know what? He was fine, fine, fine all day - he ALWAYS has fun with Nana.
Too much talking, not enough pictures, right?
This was the scene at my house Wednesday after school :(
Mommy & Matea having a little cuddle
M&M's loving their Momma!
This is what Miss. Matea looks like when she is teething, I swear my little lady has cut a bizillion teeth in the last month! My poor little princess :)
Big Mack playing with some "new-ish" toys we got from some friends :)
I love, love, love when they get along....AND I capture it on camera FOREVER!
I wanted to throw this picture of Big Mack in BECAUSE he is wearing a little jacket from our super good friends The Thomson's (Ian, Tracy, & sweet Sadie Jae) They have gotten him so many super cute prezzies over the years, and this jacket was part of his 1st birthday present from them! I am glad that he has finally grown into it because it is soooo adorable! PLUS I know that Tracy reads my blog so...."thanks buddy!"
Here's the awesome Thomson's :)
This picture is old - Sadie was JUST born, (like 3 days old) and let me tell you, I never looked this good when my little people were 3 days old :)
I know this is a crazy mix of a blog tonight but....whatever :)
i just wanted to share my little "work station" with you guys - it has goten a little bit of an overhaul the last little while...I'll let the pics do the talking.....
Now I can blog AND Scrapbook while i watch my fave movie...that's right don't pretend like you don't know! Twilight, and of course New Moon too!
*Special thanks to "The Uncle Jer" for his tech services & to "The Bampi" for lending my an extra monitor - I know - spoiled.
Funny New Moon story:
I went to Toys R Us on Thursday with Jer. We went for the sole purpose of purchasing "New Moon", not just the regular New Moon DVD - the one with the Team Edward pins! Because really what would I do with the "free with purchase Edward barbie doll?!?" That would just be ridiculous. ANYWAY we were at Toys R Us, I purchased New Moon and the cashier fella says "would you like a gift receipt?" - i laughed out loud and told him it was ALL for me - and then he laughed a little too :)